Tracks in the Snow Tell the Story

Wednesday night we had a record setting late season snow storm. Several inches of heavy, wet snow covered everything when I got up Thursday morning. Because the temperature was above freezing, the snow was the type that packed well and held it’s shape.

So imagine my delight when I went out to get the morning paper and saw the clear impressions above.

Jody had recently seen a large raccoon walking through our yard at night. These tracks told the story that the same raccoon had visited our yard again that very morning. They also gave us a measurable indication of how big he was, too, since we were able to measure the stride length at 12 inches.

Photo courtesy of Jody

The tracks on the right in this picture tell a different story. They tell the tale about how, when I tried to go to work in my car, the snow was a little too slick, the driveway a little too steep and my tires a little too bald to give me enough traction to leave.

So I had to retreat back into the garage with my car and ask Jody if I could take her car, with all wheel drive and good tires.

The tracks on the left tell the rest of the story.

Cheers – DJD

Rain for the week: 2.5 in. 2012 year to date: 21.25 in.

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