Bird Feeder?

This morning Jody and I were enjoying a latte, watching the birds visiting our deck feeder and trying to relax after a hectic and emotional week. Suddenly all the birds in our back yard scattered. At the same time we both noticed a relatively large bird swooping into our neighbor’s tree.

As we tried to identify the bird we had seen, it decided to come and give us a good look. The unwelcomed (by the other birds) visitor turned out to be a Sharp-shinned Hawk. So much for the bird count today.

This guy hung around in the tree above our feeder for quite a while giving us some good photo ops. He must have been pretty hungry because he spent another hour trying to catch birds in the area but never succeeded.

We see these guys from time to time and when they come it gives a new twist to the term “bird-feeder”.

Cheers – DJD

Rain for the week: 4.0 in. Year to date: 70.75 in.

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